Saturday, 29 September 2012

VISUAL PROGRAMMING B.SC DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2010 C.B.C.S.S Fourth Semester Computer Science Previous year question paper CBCSS BSc


Fourth Semester
Computer Science
Time : Three Hours Maximum Weight : 25
Part A
Answer all questions.
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of 1.
Bunch I
1) The psuedocode generated by VB compiler which cannot be executed by CPU directly is called
2) The ________ window in the VB IDE is used for debugging purposes.
3) The ________ data type in VB stores True or False values.
4) The ability to supply argument in any order in a procedure is called _________.
Bunch II
5) ________ is a blanket technology promoted by Microsoft that defines a communication standard
    between applications.
6) The _______ type recordset provides updatable views of data.
7) _______ is a group of controls that share the same name and same event procedure.
8) The _______ tag is used to create unordered list in HTML.
Bunch III
9) The menu which contains commands that start, break and end execution of a VB application
    a) Debug b) Run c) Tools d) Project
10) The Byte datatype holds integer values in the range
    a) 0 to 255 b) 1 to 256 c) 1 to 128 d) 1 to 365
11) The special value used with objects to indicate that an object variable has not been initialized is known as
    a) Null b) Nothing c) Error d) Empty
12) The graphic method that draws a single point in the screen in a particular color
    a) Point b) RGB c) Pset d) Print
Bunch IV
13) The statement which is used to continue execution of a procedure after error handling is
    a) Continue b) Resume c) On Error d) Exit
14) An example of ActiveX EXE is
    a) Word b) Image List c) Form d) Procedure

15) The control which displays the data requested from a DB in a table format is
    a) Data Grid b) DBCombo c) Textbox d) Recordset
16) The HTML tag that displays a line across the webpage is
    a) <LI> b) HR> c) <P> d) <DT>
Part B
Answer five questions out of eight.
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of 1.
17) What is Event driven programming?
18) What is the difference between Checkbox and Option button?
19) Explain the tasks supported by Debug tool in VB.
20) What do you mean by an MDI form?
21) What is Recordset object?
22) Explain <IMG> tag with suitable example.
23) What is Document Object?
24) Differentiate between ActiveX DL and ActiveX EXE.
Part C
Answer four questions out of six.
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of 2.
25) Write about MsgBox and InputBox functions.
26) Explain Control Arrays in VB.
27) Differentiate between Scrollbar and Slider control.
28) Write the steps to build a simple ActiveX control.
29) Explain the various fields in a Menu Editor.
30) Explain Internet Protocols.
Part D
Answer two questions out of three.
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of 4.
31) Explain about ADO data control.
32) Explain the steps to be followed to prepare reports using Crystal reports with example.
33) Explain the following
a) Variant datatype
b) Events, methods and procedures.
c) Select case
d) <A> tag


 B.Sc Degree Examination, April 2010 (C.B.C.S.S)
Fourth Semester Question Papers
  • Complementary Course – Microprocessors and Assembly Language Programming -Click Here

Operating Systems C.B.C.S.S B.Sc Degree Examination, April 2010 Fourth Semester Computer Science Core – Previous year question paper CBCSS

C.B.C.S.S B.Sc Degree Examination, April 2010
Fourth Semester
Computer Science
Core – Operating Systems
Time : Three Hours Total Weight : 25
Part A
Answer all questions
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of one
Fill in the Blanks:
1. Distributed systems depend on ________ for their functionality.
2. A process is represented in the operating system by a ________.
3. The string of memory references is called a ______.
4. The ________ brings all the file block pointers together in to one location called index block.
5. Multiprogramming increases _______ by organizing jobs.
6. The segment of code in which a process may be changing a common variable is called a
7. _______ is a memory management scheme that supports user’s view of memory.
8. In a _______ directory all files are contained in the same directory.
 9. The Operating system structure with a small kernel is called
    (a) monolithic (b) layered (c) microkernel(d) none of these
10. When the process is waiting to be assigned to a processor it is in the state called
    a) waiting b) ready c) new d) running
11. Choose the one which is not contained in a Process Control Block?
    a) process state b) program counter c) instruction set d)registers
12. Which scheduling algorithm is especially designed for time sharing systems
    a) round robin b) FIFO c) LRU d) SRTF
13. When a semaphore can have integer values ranging over an unrestricted domain it is called
    (a) binary (b) integer (c) decimal (d) counting
14. Banker’s algorithm is used for
    a) mutual exclusion b) finding shortest path c) deadlock prevention d) dead lock avoidance
15. The memory allocation scheme which allocates the smallest hole that is big enough is called
    a) first fit b) best fit c) worst fit d) smallest fit
16. The high paging activity is called
    a.) demand paging b.) page out c.) page in d) thrashing

Part B
Answer five questions out of eight
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of one
17. Describe batch processing.
18. What is POST?
19. What is meant by file control block?
20. How is bit vector used to manage free sapce?
21. What is internal fragmentation?
22. Write about SJF scheduling?
23. What is a short term scheduler?
24 What is Belady’s anomaly?
Part C
Answer four questions out of six
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of two
25. Compare and contrast a multiprogramming system and a time sharing system.
26. What are the CPU scheduling criteria. Explain.
27. Explain the necessity of mutual exclusion.
28. Briefly explain the various file operations.
29. Explain tree structured directories.
30. Write note on MACROS?
Part D
Answer two questions out of three
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of four
31. Explain any five CPU scheduling algorithms?
32. What is deadlock? What are the necessary conditions? Which are the methods of prevention?
33. Explain the different types of operating systems?


 B.Sc Degree Examination, April 2010 (C.B.C.S.S)
Fourth Semester Question Papers
  • Complementary Course – Microprocessors and Assembly Language Programming -Click Here

Computer Networks C.B.C.S.S B.Sc Degree Examination, April 2010 Fourth Semester Computer Science Previous year question paper CBCSS BSc

For more CBCSS Question Papers

CBCSS   BSc       
C.B.C.S.S B.Sc Degree Examination, April 2010
Fourth Semester
Computer Science
Core Course – Computer Networks
Time : Three Hours Total Weight : 25
Part A
Answer all questions
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of one
Fill in the Blanks:
 1. The data transfer in which the data associated with the application flows in one
    direction is called …simplex... method.
2. PSTN stands for ………………….
3. The application protocol that is used to control the transfer of messages between
    two MTAs over the Internet is called…………………
4. A collection of interconnected networks is called an ……………
5. ……………… consists of hardware controlled by associated software, that
    performs the related network interface functions
6. The unit that performs the modulation and demodulation function is called ……..
7. CATV stands for ……………….
8. ………….. are privately owned networks within a single building or campus upto
    a few kilometers in size.
III) 9. In which transmission type, message is independently for transmission purposes?
    (a) synchronous (b) asynchronous (c) symmetric (d) asymmetric
10. Protocols used to transfer files across Internet
    a) SNMP b) SMTP c) HTTP d) FTP
11. DHCP stands for ……………….
    a) Dynamic host configuration protocol b) Digital host configuration protocol
    c) Dynamic hypertext configuration protocol d) Digital hypertext configuration
12. The Bluetooth standard is an open standard published by an industry based
    association called……………..
    a) Bluetooth Special Interest Group b) Bluetooth System Interest Group
    c) Bluetooth Special Isolated Group d Bluetooth System Isolated Group

13. Client port numbers are usually called ………………….
    (a) ephemeral ports (b) usb ports (c) scsi (d) agp
14. The ………………. Flag in TCP indicates the number of bytes in the data field
    that follow the current sequence number
    (a) SEQ (b) INTR (c)SIGN (d) URG
15. In Bluetooth technology, ………… link is intended for speech/ audio applications.
    a) ACL b) SCO c) QBE d) UDP
16. At regular intervals, each router broadcast a ………….. message, containing the router’s identity.
    a.) physical state b.) session state c.) link state d) application state
Part B
Answer five questions out of eight
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of one
17. What is ADSL?
18. Define DNS
19. Compare twisted pair and coaxial cable
20. Describe WLANS
21. What is meant by URL
22. Define computer network
23. What is meant by routing metric?
24. State the difference between circuit switching and packet switching.
Part C
Answer four questions out of six
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of two
25. Explain OSI reference model
26. Explain ISDN
27. What are the features of IPv6?
28. Describe Flooding.
29. Explain silly window syndrome.
30. Write notes on Fiber optics?
Part D
Answer two questions out of three
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of four
31. Describe the uses of computer networks.
32. Explain the operations of TCP protocol.
33. Explain WWW.


For more cbcss Question Papers

 B.Sc Degree Examination, April 2010 (C.B.C.S.S)
Fourth Semester Question Papers
For more cbcss Question Papers
  • Complementary Course – Microprocessors and Assembly Language Programming -Click Here

Microprocessors and Assembly Language Programming C.B.C.S.S B.Sc Degree Examination, April 2010 Complementary Course – Previous year Question Paper CBCSS BSc


C.B.C.S.S B.Sc Degree Examination, April 2010
Fourth Semester
Computer Science
Complementary Course – Microprocessors and Assembly Language Programming
Time : Three Hours Total Weight : 25
Part A
Answer all questions
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of one
Fill in the Blanks:
  1.  8086 has ________ address lines.
  2.  High performance engineering work stations often us ____instruction set computers.
  3. The address bus of 80386 is ______ bits wide.
  4. The condition of status flag is ________ when write operation is performed by 8086.

5. Virtual memory capacity of 80286 is _______.6. ________ chip is used as a timer.
7. 80386 is a _______ bit processor.
8. 8086 can address upto _______ physical memory locations.

Objective type question:

 9. What is output of the following code AX = 37D7H, BH = 151 decimal DIV BH
(a) AL = 65H, AH= 94 decimal (b) AL= 5EH, AH= 101 decimal (c) AH= E5H,
          AL= 5EH (d) AL= 56H, AH= 5EH
10. Which interrupt has the highest priority?
           a) INTR b) TRAP c) RST6.5 d) RST 7.5
11. Which are software interrupts?
          a) RST 0 - 7 b) RST 5.5 - 7.5 c) INTR d)TRAP
12. BHE of 8086 microprocessor signal is used to interface the
          a) Even bank memory b) Odd bank memory c) I/O d) DMA
13. How many pins does an 80386DX has
          (a) 128 (b) 132 (c) 64 (d) 120
14. In 8086 the overflow flag is set when
          a) The sum is more than 16 bits b) Signed numbers go out of their range after an
          arithmetic operation c) Carry and sign flags are set d) During subtraction
15. To put the 8085 microprocessor in the wait state
          a) lower the-HOLD input b) lower the READY input c) raise the HOLD input d)
          raise the READY input
16. The 4004 microrprocessor was released in the year of:
          a.) 1964 b.) 1968 c.) 1972 d) 1971

Part B
Answer five questions out of eight
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of one

17. Describe the difference between instructions MOV AX, 2437H and MOV AX, [2437H]?
18. What is the advantage of using assembly language instead of writing program in machine language?
19. Compare 8086 and 8088 μp’s?
20. Compare memory mapped I/O and peripheral mapped I/O?
21. Write notes on segment registers of 8086?
22. What is pipelining?
23. What factors determine how much physical memory an 80286 can address?
24. Write a delay loop which produces a delay of 500 μs on an 8086 with a 5 MHz clock?
Part C
Answer four questions out of six
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of two
25. Describe how an assembly language program is developed and debugged using system tools such as           editors, assemblers, linkers, locators emulators and debuggers?
26. Define the term reentrant and explain how you must pass parameters to a procedure so that it is   reentrant?
27. Write notes on directives?
28. Write the differences between minimum mode and maximum mode operations of 8086.
29. Describe the paging concept of 80386?
30. Write note on MACROS?
Part D
Answer two questions out of three
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of four

31. With a neat Block diagram explain the architecture of 8085μp?
32. With a neat block diagram explain 8257?
33. Describe the bus activities during read machine cycle?


 B.Sc Degree Examination, April 2010 (C.B.C.S.S)
Fourth Semester Question Papers
  • Complementary Course – Microprocessors and Assembly Language Programming -Click Here

Monday, 17 September 2012

C 402 T Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming MG University Syllabus

 Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam fourth semester 2007 admission onwards - 2010
MG University Syllabus C 402 T Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming

Module 1

Microprocessor architecture and its operations - microprocessor initiated operation and 8085 bus organization, internal data operations, 8085 registers, externally initiated operations. Memory- memory map, and instructions, peripheral map, memory and instructions, peripheral mapped I/O. 8085 microprocessor and its architecture.

Module 2 (16 hrs)

8086 Internal architecture. Basic 8086 microcomputer system- system overview, 8086 bus Read machine cycle , Write machine cycle, Write machine.

Assembly Language programming - program development steps, 8086 instruction - data transfer instruction, arithmetic instruction, bit manipulation instruction, string instruction, program execution, Construction the machine codes for 8086 instructions. Implementing standard program in 8086 - unconditional jump instructions conditional flags, conditional jump instructions, If -then, If - then else, multiple if then else, while-do, repeat-until, loop instructions, instruction timing and delay loops.

Module 3 (14hrs)
Strings, Procedures and Macros – 8086 string instructions, writing and using procedures, CALL and RET instructions, stack, using PUSH and POP to save register contents, passing parameters repentant and recursive procedures, writing and using macros.

Module 4  (14hrs)

8086 interrupts – program examples , interrupt  types, 8254 software – programmable timer / counter – basics 8253 and 8254 operations, 8259A priority interrupt controller.

Direct Memory Access data transfer – circuit connections and operations of the Intel 8257 DMA controller, DMA transfer timing diagram.

Module 5 (10hrs)

Intel 80286 microprocessor – architecture, signals and system connections, Real address mode operation, protected mode operation. Intel 80386 32-bit microprocessor – architecture, pins and signals. Intel 80486 microprocessor. RISC machines.

Text Book

Microprocessors and interfacing , Programming and Hardware – Douglas V Hall, Tata McGraw –Hill

Reference Books

Microprocessors 8086 programming & Interfacing, A.Nagoor Kani, RBA publications.
The Intel Microprocessors 8086/80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, and Pentium Processor Architecture, programming and Interfacing – Barry B Brey Prentice – Hall India