F 8253
(Pages: 2)
Fourth Semester
(2007 and 2008 Admissions)
Time : Three Hours
Maximum :75 Marks
Answer any five questions.
question carries 3 marks.
1. List the various applications of a microprocessor.
2 What are the merits of assembly language programming? ,‘
3. What is a delay loop?
4.., Write a short note on macros.
5. What are interrupts?
6. List any three features of 80286.
2 What are the merits of assembly language programming? ,‘
3. What is a delay loop?
4.., Write a short note on macros.
5. What are interrupts?
6. List any three features of 80286.
(5 x 3 = 15 marks)
Part B
Answer any four questions.
question carries 5 marks.
7. Discuss the bus organization in 8085. s
8. Explain the arithmetic instructions available in 8086.
9. Explain how can you implement, a conditional branch in assembly language programs
10: Describe the working of CALL and RET instructions in 8086 assembly language.
11. Explain the technique of DMA data transfer.
12. Discuss the features of 80286 microprocessor.
(4 x 5 =20 marks)
8. Explain the arithmetic instructions available in 8086.
9. Explain how can you implement, a conditional branch in assembly language programs
10: Describe the working of CALL and RET instructions in 8086 assembly language.
11. Explain the technique of DMA data transfer.
12. Discuss the features of 80286 microprocessor.
(4 x 5 =20 marks)
Part C
Answer any two questions.
question comes 20 marks V
13 (a) Explain the structure of 8085 microprocessor. V (15 marks)
(b) Discuss memory mapped I/O. (5 marks) V
(b) Discuss memory mapped I/O. (5 marks) V
Turn over
F 8253
14. (a) Describe the Bus Interface Unit of 8086 mcroprccessor. (10
(b) How can you implement a loop structure in 8086 assembly language program? (10 marks)
15. (a) Discuss the various string instructions in 8086 assembly language. (10 marks)
(b) Explain the use of stacks in assembly language programs. (10 marks)
16. (a) Discuss the working of priority interrupt controller. (12 marks)
(b) Describe the features of 80386microproceasors. (8 marks)
(b) How can you implement a loop structure in 8086 assembly language program? (10 marks)
15. (a) Discuss the various string instructions in 8086 assembly language. (10 marks)
(b) Explain the use of stacks in assembly language programs. (10 marks)
16. (a) Discuss the working of priority interrupt controller. (12 marks)
(b) Describe the features of 80386microproceasors. (8 marks)
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